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15 items found for ""

  • Перевірка домашнього персоналу | Polygraph Detector

    Inspection of domestic staff It is not by chance that we made the inspection of domestic staff a separate section. After all, domestic staff is the category of workers who have the most complete and personal information, and often work with the most valuable thing in life, with children. Each worker has his risks For example, a babysitter or domestic worker may misappropriate (use) personal items. master, collection confidential and personal information, rough treatment of children. The driver using the car for one's own purposes, cheating on the car service, fraud with fuel, careless handling of the car, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. ​ What the polygraph check of domestic staff will reveal (when employed): - find out the true motivation for work; - find out the reasons for which a person left a previous job; - determine whether there have been cases of theft, harsh treatment of children and animals, as well as problems with law enforcement agencies; - violations committed in past jobs; - detect the presence of addictions (alcohol, drug, gaming, etc.); ​ To expose a worker who is already working in a lie, a polygraph test (lie detector) will help with the following risks: - collection, storage or distribution of personal (confidential) information; - rude, harsh treatment of children or pets; - appropriation, use of the host's personal belongings; - fraud with allocated funds; - sloppy attitude, causing damage, using any technical means for one's own purposes; - any other risks that are possible for the worker in a specific field of activity. ​ ​ For of companies (persons) that help with employment abroad, a foreign language statement is possible for a future employer abroad.

  • Подарунковий сертифікат | Polygraph Detector

    Gift certificate Don't know what to give a business partner? Give him a polygraph test of his deputies or staff. ​ Don't know what to give a friend? Give him the gift of his wife's polygraph test. There are many options, your case will be unique in any case. Do not delay, the number of certificates is limited.

  • Оцінка захищеності | Polygraph Detector

    Security assessment Assessment (assessment) of the state of security of information resources in information, telecommunication and information and telecommunication systems is a set of measures aimed at identifying threats to information resources and preventing unauthorized actions regarding information in information, telecommunication and information-telecommunication systems. Assessment of information security in information, telecommunication and information-telecommunication systems - measures to identify technical solutions in ITS that create prerequisites for violating the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information processed in them. TYPES OF WORK CREATION OF KSZI IN THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM Comprehensive information protection system (hereinafter - KSZI) Audit and formation of requirements for KSZI in ITS Development of information security policy in IT Development of the Terms of Reference for the creation of KSZI KSZ design Implementation of KSZI and assessment of information security in IT Support of KSZI Creation of protection of information in computer systems against unauthorized access Creation of tzi complexes at the objects of information activity Examination and attestation of KSZI IMPLEMENTATION OF ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Examination (definition of the field of activity, selection of critical business processes that are subject to protection) Development of the organization's security policy Determination of information security risk assessment methodology and acceptable level of risks Identification of risks Risk analysis and assessment Preparation of a plan for handling critical risks Development of ISMS policies and procedures Implementation of protection mechanisms according to the risk management plan Preparation for ISMS certification The Company's specialists have experience in the field of technical and cryptographic protection of information, experience in designing and creating KSZI in information and telecommunication systems of various types and complexity

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